Monday, November 30, 2009

The London Center: A Realist View

For my Humanities class we had an assingment to write a spoof on something we studied this semester. I decided I wanted to write a sort of realist view of the London Center. It is written as a letter to my grandma and I not to sugar coat anything. So this is the litteral view of the center, perhaps the stuff you don't usually hear...

Dear Grandma,

Well I decided to write you about my adventures here in England since my time is almost coming to an end. It truly has been an adventure. I arrived at Palace Court 27 and found a charming victoiran building beckoning me into its fold. I have 13 roommates and out lives are filled with much joy and laughter, little sleep, and hairballs the size of small toasters. The mice really like us too and I often find my self waking up to the scratch scratch of their little paws. It took me about a week to learn how to flush the toilet and I have mastered the art of washing my hands. Step one: Turn on both the hot and cold spouts. Step two: apply the soap to hand. Step three: swish your hands violently back and forth between the two spouts to remove the soap so you don’t burn your hands. It has been interesting not living around any boys. I can honestly say my best male friends are the missionaries serving in my ward and a middle aged coach driver named Tony. He is great and we have had some good times together. I will really miss him. It is a funny thing to wake up in the morning and head down to breakfast in your pj’s only to sit down next to your professor who is also wearing his pj’s. I have had my fill of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches due to the unlimited supply kept in the servery. The one thing that kind of bugs me is when I walk all the way down 5 flights of stairs to get a piece of nutella toast and find that there is no nutella. We never know where it goes and some speculate that Mrs. Shepherd comes down in the middle of the night and eats it. I never feel too bad when I eat a lot just because I get such a good exercise walking up to my room I can even eat an extra galaxy bar bar on laundry days. I love being able to walk down to class in about 12 seconds but it is hard when you want to skip class. It is not like BYU when one teacher has 1,000 students and you don’t make a difference, they know who I am, where I sleep at night, and weather I am missing because I am sick or because I am lazy.

Being in London I have picked up alot of the culture in my everyday life. I can know pronounce every tube line with a perfect British accent while “minding the gap.” I know to avoid the circle line and I know how to get around with out pulling out my big map like a lost tourist. Shakespeare is idolized here the way Brad Pit is idolized in the states. I have learned to love him like an infected ingrown hair. We travel a lot on coach bus and I could write a book “101 Ways to Sleep On A Bus.” When we aren’t traveling there is wooden bunkbed waiting for me. I love the hustle of the city but I miss my family and I can’t wait to be around some other people besides 20-year-old girls. This is really what my life is! I didn’t want to sugar coat anything so you can a real view of the life here. I can’t wait to see you in a couple weeks! Hope all is well in the states. Lots of love,


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